Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Graduate


Hard to believe that my little boy is already a pre-school graduate. If it wasn't for my youthful appearance I would start to think I was getting old.
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Story Time

Never to young to be read to, Graeme reads a story to his brother and cousin.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Finally a Lewis is published

In speaking with my son's grade 2 teacher it seems as if Graeme, in place of doing his math work, decided to write the following story about a boy who eats his math book. Well instead of getting in trouble his teacher thought it was quite funny and has published it in the yearbook.

Le garçon qui aime less livres

Il y a un garçon qui aime manger des livres.
Cela a commence quand il fait ses maths.
Il ne sait pas bien les maths, alors il mange
page de maths. Après, il mange une
grosse, grosse phrase, et après ça, il mange
tout un livre. Mais toutes les pages du livre
se sont mélangées dans son estomac. Il était
triste parce que quand il parle, il dit :
« Ba +He +Ke + 7 = eliblablabla. »

Graeme Lewis

La fin