Thursday, November 22, 2012

Long Time Gone

Time does fly.... I knew it had been a while since my last posting but I didn't think it had been almost 9 months.  Wow... I guess my only solace is that no one other than a few friends  every read anything I post.  Still I feel bad for abandoning the blogsphere and fear that next I will be turning off comments and posting an explanation about how my lack of commitment and effort in engaging in meaningful dialogue is everyone else's fault.  Let me assure you the lack of activity on this blog over the last year is all me and search for ways to unplug my life but just like Rocky Balboa in Rocky 4 just when you though it was all over I am back.

You will notice I didn't go with the more obvious Rocky 3 Eye of the Tiger reference, that would be too cliche.


Big T said...

Yes, you should probably start monitoring or blocking your comments, that would be pretty sad. You could leave a note though, saying that if anyone would like to comment or dialogue with you there are plenty of other places on the internet they could go. Maybe they can encounter people who are similar to you and interact with them instead.

KevC said...

Hey, so being back means 1 post a month instead of 1 every 9 months? I guess that is better. And you are approaching my rapid post pace too! haha. Nice to see you online dude.

lewy007 said...

Hey you can't just jump back into to full on. Just like exercise you need to ease into things.