Thursday, May 03, 2018

The not so social media

Well I have done it.  After being a pretty early adopter to most social media forms outside of facebook (never could buy in to facebook, see my post facebook-shmacebook) I have deleted all  of my social media accounts.  I have been thinking about it for quite a while but couldn't come to click the delete button.  I can see the potential in social media for good and I value the information sharing it  allows, however, I can no longer take the negativity and "noise" that comes along with it.  I realized that every time I was on social media I became annoyed and frustrated. Now, I wholeheartedly acknowledge that this may have to do a lot more with me than social media but whatever, my  point is I am not going to invest any more time into an artificial world that breeds fake compliments and swarming negativity. 

Of course, this may seem a bit ironic as I write this on my blog but for me there is an important difference between my online posting and the social media world.  Social media posts are for others to see and comment on, often trolling for disingenuous validation.  My online posting are a record for me and I don't assume anyone is actually reading them.  They are actually my attempt at getting things off my chest and being less social.  Hey I am not saying I am right I am just saying this is the way it is for me.  If you disagree please feel free to not leave a comment.

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